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    Grace is not by works but for works
Grace means unmeritted favor.
It's when getting things is no longer by what you do by your own power but by another power.
   It is when little effort yield abundant harvest
 Jesus speaking about Grace, gave an explanation that except a grain of wheat falls to the ground and die, it abides alone... How can one wheat breed several wheats??  It's Grace that brings multiplication
  Thus grace is that which occurred underneath the earth (watering and growth) that yield the harvest.

*What Then Is Gospel Grace?

   Bible says the grace of God has appeared to all men for profiting... Grace and Peace came through Jesus. We were too broke to pay for our sins, We had nothing that we would have sold to pay for our sins but while we were yet sinners (not equal to God in height of holiness)  Jesus demonstrated grace (a Favor we do not deserve) by dying for our sins. 'While we were yet sinners'.. Jesus was exchanged as sin. He became sin not sinner so that sin can be destroyed
 Grace is anchored on Love and justification Being that God so loved us he placed us (sinners) in Jesus cos we are his body. We were nailed with him, beaten with him and crucified with him. That is why Paul said though i've been crucified with Christ yet I'm still alive

     *Grace Reveals Who We Are In Christ
    Christ when he died reconciled us to God thus unveiling the things he has done for us(finished works) so he made us the righteousness of God in him (Christ )

He made us to sit with him in heavenly places
He gave us dominion over the kingdom of darkness
He made us success not successful
He now lives in us which is greater than anything that can live in any person that is not born again

He gave us all things that pertain to LIFE and GODLINESS
He tore the veil so that we can come into the holies of holies without veil and call him father father
He gave us power to trample on snakes and scorpions

But all these things were done in the spiritual.. Every Blessing was done in the spiritual which if to be enjoyed must be brought to the physical

The only way to bring this things to the physical is by faith( total trust in what he has done) ... That is why jude said let us contend for the faith that was once delivered.. By faith men of old received a good report. Faith is total dependency on the power of God and faith comes by hearing; Hearing Gods word continually

When we believe what God has said and do the conditions attached, the things done already by Christ begins to function in our lives. We must be patient too for the bible says follow men who through faith and patience have obtained the promises
 Thus Grace comes into this in that Christ has done in the spirit what we would never had been able to do.. The fulfilment of the law was not a scrab of the law but a completing of the law
    * Grace Is A Licence

    Grace (unmeritted favor) is a second chance to buy the mercies of God, the lost way, the lost connection. A Christian naturally is not supposed to involve in immoralityourselves
Paradventure He falls into immorality; He can come boldly before God and ask for mercies even if it's a thousand times
 But Grace is not a licence for sin
Paul speaking said because God will always forgive us when we sin, should we still continue committing sin and expects this grace to keep on working??? God forbid
Grace is to access the father with open face as in a glass; Not to think God is unwise...
The truth now is Grace is a person;  A spirit. Anything spirit, speaks of unseen but possessive
When we received the holyspirit we received grace... For it came through Jesus Christ.

* Can Grace Works For You Even If You Are A Sinner?

God's grace appeared to all men (titus2:11) But to the sinners it only appeared in little percentage
And that is to win them over.
Grace to the sinner is for conviction, redemption and judgement.. (holyspirit's job)
But to the believer Grace is to access ALL things He has done... To come into the unity of Christ and God.
To be part of Jesus's prayer before He left; Committing us into God's hands to be one with Him as He is with the Father.The gap is so much.
An unbeliever is a bond servant.. We are sons yet we shouldn't feel better than them for we were saved by grace and not by ourselves.

#bbpin: 58AC80D6

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