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It is always easier to give up on your dreams when you hit a road block. It is always easier to think you can't make your dream come true especially when everyone including your best friend has told you severally to quit wasting your time. I am just trying to imagine the look on Thomas's friend who told him to quit after his 10,000 failure, or those neighbourhood kids who mocked Ben Carson that his dream of being a doctor was next to impossible no matter how much he reads. What about his colleagues who tried to undermine him because he was black; and those concerned and not so friendly doctor who told him that separating a co-join twins was impossible... These guys didn't turn and run; but rather face the task head on. You know why? Because it was up to them. It was up to them and God who  gave them that idea/dream. Let no one make you second guess your dream especially when you are sure.

It is not up to them; IT IS UP TO YOU. 

It is always too early to quit; no matter how many times you think you have tried. When God gives you the vision; trust him for THE PROVISION. that his his part; executing the vision is you part and it is solely "UP TO YOU"

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