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1samuel 17:26-31 "And David spake to the men  that stood by him, saying, What shall be  done to the man that killeth this Philistine,  and taketh away the reproach from Israel?  for who is this uncircumcised Philistine,  that he should defy the armies of the living  God? 27 And the people answered him after  this manner, saying, So shall it be done to  the man that killeth him. 28 And Eliab his  eldest brother heard when he spake unto  the men; and Eliab’s anger was kindled  against David, and he said, Why camest  thou down hither? and with whom hast thou  left those few sheep in the wilderness? I  know thy pride, and the naughtiness of  thine heart; for thou art come down that  thou mightest see the battle. 29 And David  said, What have I now done? Is there not a  cause? 30 And he turned from him toward  another, and spake after the same manner:  and the people answered him again after  the former manner. 31 And when the words  were heard which David spake, they  rehearsed them before Saul: and he sent  for him."

To enter into your promise land; you must fight distraction

To enter into the kings presence you must fight distractions

To occupy your throne you must fight distractions.

To do anything worthwhile in life; in fact you must fight distractions

Have you ever have that experience that ts when you are on fast that's when your best friend suddenly show up with KFC or Mr Biggs with all the side attractions and decorations?
And your mind will be like o lord what kind of temptation is this; your stomach will start playing rock; jazz and blues?
Call it temptations or distractions ts same.
Ts only the strong willed and determine that will take their eyes off it.
Some who are weak will say God will understand; I will fast tomorrow beside my friend doesn't know am fasting
Ah distractions!!!
Eliab David's brother wanted to stop him but however David could not be distracted

Never consent to creep when you have an impulse to soar says Helen Keller. David felt what d elder brother did not feel. He knew who has his back even when the odds where against him. Age; size  is not a qualification for greatness; your relationship with God is.

No wonder the bible says they that do know their God shall be strong and do exploit. David saw the situation through Gods eye. He saw it the way God saw it and so he felt the way God felt. He didn't come to watch the battle as his brother supposed. He came to the arena of his promotion.
God puts our destiny within our reach; until we reach out for it we don't reach our throne.

You might be going through insurmountable obstacles at the moment that can best be describe as the valley of the shadow of death; it is difficult yes I know; but hold on. Don't get distracted keep your eyes on the father. In a football pitch no one pursues the man without the ball. The man holding the ball is always the target.

David could not be stopped. His brother called him a foolish person. Where the men who knows more about battles where running away; him who only knows about sheeps and the village bush was making noise. What Davids brother didn't know was that God has been working on david in the bush; preparing him for the palace in the city. David was in the bush maximising his potentials and God was his personal trainer and coach.
You can't work with God and still make a loss. Champions do not need approval from the crowd to succeed. David understood the opinions of people so not have to become his reality. Your response to event and happenings around you is what establish their impact on you. You can't follow the crowd and win. Follow the cloud.

Never allow peoples opinion of you become your reality; eliab could not withstand Davids courage..people don't need to understand you; allow your success explain to them.
Inferiority complex always  manifest when a champion shows up
ThankGod Thomas Edison said no to distractions (his Friends constant reminder of his failure) he failed 10000 times and his friend kept telling him to give up.. But his response was
"Yes I have failed 10;000 times I have not really failed. I have only discovered 10; 000 ways an incandescent light will not work but now am going to find a way to make it work".
When he tried the 10;001 time he succeeded. ThankGod he said no to distraction we might have still been using the bush lamp. Maybe😬
Tell someone "no distraction" Champions are men n women who refuse to accept failure that confronts them on every side; they are rebels to failure. There is no way a failure can't respond negatively to success. A failure must always find a reason to attack a success. Even in that; don't get distracted. Just like David; turn away from vision and courage destroyers.Until you say no to distractions. You can't say yes to God's direction.
Stop waiting for your ship to arrive at your doorstep; go to the seashore and pull it in..be violent in spirit and take it by force
Stop waiting for things to happen; make it happen

You can either be a part of the problem or a solution to the problem
To enrich your life you have to reach and take what belongs to you in destiny.
David knew he wasn't in for a debate or interview this is a serious matter.

This wasn't a family meeting or Reunion. Ts a kill or be killed and he just can't afford to mess up.he needs his attention n focus on a 101% . no time for distractions. Listen whom you give attention to! Determines the direction of your life.

Don't give detractors attentions or they destroy your future. If you give them a chance they will take chances

What david was willing to walk away from determined what God allowed to walk into his life. He walked out on courage thieves and walked into greatness. David said No to distraction. Now it is your turn

Nothing is enough to stop you until you permit it. What you permit you permanent. It becomes a repetition

The top is your place and it has enough space; the ground is over crowed. Don't feel guilty to say no to distractions. If you don't stop distractions: it will stop u. John Mason said let go of whatever won't let go of you.

Make up your mind to make irrelevant what won't make you relevant in God's kingdom. Your destiny is toooooo precious to be toyed it. Don't give your future over to failure. failures are experts in making things fail

Don't follow a parked person. You are a child of destiny; seeds of greatness is within you stop looking at the wrong crowd for approval.

Don't follow someone who isn't moving. God moves. Anywhere He is there is movement.
Looking at the wrong crowd takes you to the wrong destination.God created you to feel the way he feels. You were created in his image and likeness. There is joy in God when you are in his will. He takes pleasure in your success prosperity etc psalm 35:7

David felt angry with the situation he saw goliaths bragging as a disgrace just like God saw it. But his brother saw differently.

David saw the situation the way God saw it because he was in tune with God.

A million prophets said it; 100pastor echo it.. Amen na but what did God tell you? Hear him for yourself also
Be in tune with God he speaks and is always speaking...

I Corinthian 6:17 "But he that  is joined unto the Lord is one spirit."

If you are joined to him; you can hear him.. You can feel him

People hear him for you; ohk ...but You can hear him for yourself too. As long as you are united to him you are one with him in spirit

Let no one discourage you from your path especially if they have never walked the path and let no one tell you it can't be done when they have not tried it before. Let no ones opinion become your reality. Stay in tune with God. Say no to distractions and destiny detractors; and God will cause you to triumph.
God bless us.

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