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Stop blaming others, things, situations and
circumstances for your lack of progress, or
achievements. People are tired of your excuses,
so try your possible best to excuse your excuses
and move forward. Find and back your
aspirations, dreams,goals and your your
compelling zest with a great enough 'why' that
will urge, motivate and force you to bear almost
any authentic 'how' to your garden of Eden.
Whatever situation you are in right now that you
see it as insurmountable, others have faced it
and overcome, whilst others too have faced it
and capitulated. It was not chance or luck that
made others winners and others in the same
situation whiners, but the desire, the will, the
fortitude and their belief systems. In the poorest
nation in the world there are still affluent men,
and in the richest nation in the world, there are
millions living in austerity. In every field of work
there are failures and there are successes. So at
the end of the day, environment, profession,
circumstances and whatever people use as
excuses has nothing, or little to do with our
statuses. At the end of the day, it boils down to
YOU! Success is not found in America or in
Europe, success is in you! Because a man with a
salmon mentality in Alaba market in Nigeria, can
never become a blue whale on Wall Street in the
United States unless he is willing and determined
to change his mindset, attitude and perception
from that of a pessimist to an optimist.
There's richness within you, endeavour to make
your life count.

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