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Let Love Win Again

Some relationships are stronger than bonds, it makes the devil edgy to see the future so fruity, so he tightens the knots causing insanity. Don't let him win. Forgive, till eternity.

No matter how angry someone you love has made you please forgive and love the person back,

Very few people will stake their lives for you and be willing to love you despite your faults. If you find a woman who no matter what happens will stick with you and fight even if wrongly for you, never leave that kind of woman because like the proverbial woman she will bring you joy everyday.

Men, be ready to admit you are wrong and don't let the sun fall on your anger even if you are right. There is no need to say you forgive yet you don't want to deal.

Relationships, Intimacy, marriage is not just sex and beds, sweet texts and gifts, it covers forgiveness as sheets too

Sure your actions may seem right now,
Down the years you did look back at it wrong and bow, truly never matters who was right or wrong when true love abounds.
Regret is one pain avoidable through unconditional love,
No matter the grievance, you can choose to resolve

Broken people are those who need love most,
They actually don't deserve it,
That's what is amazing about grace,
Not all race ends after the finish line,
Cause even after we cross the line, we still keep running

Remember your why in all this,
Your resolve should be to dissolve,
Love covers all,
Never let circumstance hit you hard you lose your core

It is your decision,
Remember decisions defines us,
For better, for worse,
You can still stay the course.

Forgive our sins, ....as we.

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