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God is able to do
just what He says He will do
He's gona fulfil every promise to you
Dont give up on God
cause He wont give up on you. He's able!!!

     No matter what the conditions say right now,  no matter what the report says right now, no matter what the bills are saying right now, health, finances, marriage and relationships, job issues, economy, friends and family, no matter what that matter is saying right now, don't give up.

It might seem all hope is lost, don't give up.
God is working it out and He is more than able to complete the task (Philippians 1:6).

Didn't He say He will supply your needs? (Philippians 4:19)

Didnt He say He will give you even more than you ask or imagine? (Ephesians 3:20, John 14:14)

Didnt he say he will be your father, wife, husband? (Psalm 65:8, James 1:27)

Didn't he say he will strengthen you and give you peace in your storm?

Didn't he say he will be your comforter and will teach you all things?

Didn't he say he will strengthen and order your steps, go with you and give you rest?(Exodus 33:14)

Didn't he say he will wipe away your tears and heal your heart?

Didn't he say he hears even the silent whispers of your heart?

Has His word change? Has He change?
He is God from everlasting to everlasting and everything He says He will do.
   He hasnt change, you may not be seeing the result now, just hold on, God is in the control room and he is putting everything in order for your good (Romans 8:28), and when he is through you will shine forth as gold.

You may not like the process, Just hold on, what is coming is better. It isn't the day a woman conceived that she gives birth. She has to put up with the nausea, being fat, headaches, and ante-natal classes.

She has to adjust to the Changes taking place in her body. Oh she might not like the process  but when she thinks of what is coming at the end of nine months? Oh what the joy that flood her soul... Apply that same patience and trust God. He is working it out.
If He didn't spare his own son but freely gave him up for us all? How then will He not also freely give us all things? (Romans 8:31-32).

Just hold onto him, trust His process and His timing.
Because He hasn't brought you this far to forsake You now.

He is ABLE.

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