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Our Society teaches women to always forgive and men to always commit. The sins of our men must be forgiven and forgotten by our women because someone is doing her a favour by marrying her.

Oh, she is a 'weaker' vessel and for that and more, she should quickly get married, close her eyes, ears and mouth.

The man on the other hand should know all the joints, smoke the cigars, drink the beer, sleep with the girls and bring home the STDs. Of course, he 'brings all the money' and as such he has chased the Lion into its cage.

When I see people sit to judge women and applaud men even when the 'sins' of the men cannot be quantified, I weep to stupor.

We have sold our values to irresponsibilibities and arrogance. Because we wanted to make men Lord of all and Sinless, we have killed our future, turning men to vampires and women to their preys.

Now, the new commitment; My Son must know he is not in any way superior to his sister, he will only earn respect and honour if he is responsible.

Mere manhood does not make you a 'boss', it must be erect. Give your life some responsible erection.

King Joel Agho

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