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• Difficult situations make you humble andremind you that you have need of God. You can’t
walk this walk alone. Put Him in your subconscious.
• Strive to be the best at what you do. Whatever you do, remember that your life is not your own and there is One whom you will answer to.
• When you have a near death experience, you look the same, but you don’t think the same anymore. Your life changes. Your perspective takes a 360.
• Life is a gift. Use it well. Live it well. Most importantly, remember that you are here for something. And find it!
• Be more loving, more compassionate, more sensitive, more understanding. Trust God even more.
• I know so many people are going through difficult situations. It doesn’t matter your circumstances, trust God to see you through.
• It’s important to read and meditate on the word of God daily, building yourself up in faith, for you don’t know when your life will depend on it.
• Money has its limits. Intellect has its limitations. When you get to the point that all these don’t matter, what do you have?
• You can have all the money, go to the best schools and still have a sad end to your life. What do you have that cannot be taken away from you?
• No condition is permanent. The storm always has an end. Can you be strong till the end? Trust God.
• In the storm, there is no time to throw a pity party. It is the time to pull out the word of God that you have imprinted on your heart.
• What is inside you? What have you been depositing there? It will all come out when you go through fire.


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