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God is still faithful.

God's word is alive
God's word is so real than breath  itself... God's word is sooo true.I'm a witness . God's word will not fall to the ground.. God is not partial...  He's not a respecter of anyman... Has he not said it, will he not do it? Is not my word like hammar, is not my word like fire? Have I not said
If thou would believe,  thou will see the glory of God?

Dare to believe.. True faith is the conviction that even if it's remaining one second to my death, as long as he has said it(in his word/ by revelation) he will do it.. Though it may tarry..

Suspend your intellect and dare to believe God.. He can touch that problem, he can touch that business, he can touch that weakness, he can touch your finance,  he can change any unchanging situation.. He is the God that quickens the dead... It does not matter how smelling the situation is, like Lazarus he can tell it to come forth and it will ...  Just
He is still too faithful to fail . He's not a man that he should lie nor change what he's said

#morning drive


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