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Then GOD said, and NOW we will make human beings. they will be like us, and resemble us...(Genesis 1vs 26.GNB).
      You were created to have dominion and to
be in charge.
       You are GOD'S Representative here on
earth. Until you believe in yourself, you will never become
anything worthy in  this life.
Even if no one believe in you, believe
IN yourself.
To think inferior is to remain and die
So think big,  dream big, act towards those
dreams and thought, sooner than you know it; you will have already make a
Good things weren't made for some specific
people, they were made you , you and you.
You can get it if you
believe you can.
To think like a slave is to die as one.
The man who believe he is a king actually starts living like one and heaven is committed to make him continue to live in Royalty.
Wherever you find yourself; 
don't strive to be the best slave strive to be the king.
If you don't believe you can do exploit, no one will give you the chance to.
   As you step out today, dare to drop the "impossible mentality" because you are not alone. And because GOD is with you,"IMPOSSIBLE means I'M POSSIBLE". HE that is in you ,is greater than all obstacles and limitation.
This is your day of exploits; go and FLOURISH...
Bbm pin : 58AC80D6

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