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One of the unfortunate things about young people these days is that they actually think they can manage a relationship into marriage.

I can tell you that a lot of relationships that broke way into the heat of it already presented several signals to either or both of them but they actually thought they could hold it together and manage it.

In the same vein, we hear so many stories about broken or breaking marriages. If you listen to them, you would discover that chief of their issues originated at the point of dating. They saw it, they noticed it, they sensed it, yet they climbed it.

It was Nollywood Veteran actor, late Sam Loco Efe that satirically said; "You see river, you jump inside, you be fish?".

Obviously, only a fish or any animal or being with the ability to swim can take a dive in a river. No sensible person will get inside with the hopes it can make his way out, especially when you have not ascertained the depth of the water.

Now, why do we attempt to take a dive into marriage when we know we can actually tell the depth of it and the reliability of our swimming kits and aids?


The power to change is a sole perquisite of God. No mortal man can change another man. This is plus or minus love, attraction and interest.

When you notice character traits you cannot condone, habits you cannot live with or lifestyles you cannot cope with. Please, it may be time to take a seat and end it up.

Some managing relationships and forcing round pegs into square holes.

You cannot give what you do not have. Save yourself the stress and the tears, end it right there and be happy after.

Most of you consider the time spent, energy exhausted and the feelings of the other to continue linger a union that should have since ended.

If he is not worth it, he is not worth it, end it now and be happy. If she is not your type, she is not, stop trying to turn her into what she cannot stand for a long time.

End the pretence, Stop the pity, End that unfruitful relationship now.

Tell him or her, King Joel Agho said so.


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