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The woman - what beautiful creations we are,
the image of our Father, the same One who
created Men. We are special to Him, fearfully
and wonderfully made. We are the incubators of
life, the ground where the seed of the next
generation is planted and produced. We are the
pillars of our society, the backbones of our men,
the nurturers of the young (and sometimes the
old). Such a responsibility to be entrusted with!
In the midst of that “greatness” in us, many of
us have found ourselves victims or participants –
whether by circumstance or choice – of
abhorrent and unspeakable acts that degrade the
very core meaning of our existence. We have
found ourselves in such a broken state that some
have attributed this to normalcy, the way it
should be. In the midst of that group, many have
rose to take their place back to what we were
intended to be…
It is no secret that bias and cultural bondage
exist towards women; however, we have
unfortunately allowed the “movement” to be
birthed from a place of fear and brokenness
rather than a place of faith and boldness. Many
of us have resorted to twerking in thongs,
flashing our flesh, devaluing our bodies, and
marrying for money in order to somehow prove
our statement for recognition, validity, or
acceptance. In that same brokenness, many now
believe they do not “need” a man, and will
sometimes go as far as getting pregnant, by
copulation or clinic, dumping the man – yet want
to be wholly accepted by a man. Some have
gone as far as shaming and condemning men,
through spiteful deeds or destructive actions, in
order to somehow “guilt” men into affirmation of
their worth and existence…
Ladies, we cannot FORCE the change of
anyone’s hearts or minds; exerting your will over
another’s only creates more resistance.
However, you CAN convict and influence the
transformation by being the change you want to
see, working on the one in the mirror, and start
teaching people how to treat you by treating
yourself with more respect, honor, and value.
Many of us have become so focused on proving
ourselves to the male human standing next to us
that we forget that he, too, is a creation with
flaws. So, get past the sight of the man, and get
back into the Vision. Ladies, WALK in the
confidence and knowledge of WHO you are, and
you can dispel the presumptions of what others
THINK you are. Remember, you don't have to
emasculate in order to elevate... Happy
International Women’s Day … ~KD

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