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Good day dear readers, I will like to share the story of my journey so far in marriage, I believe someone might learn from it, I might not have spent so many years in dis institution but i have had a lot of interesting experience.
Before I start I will like to introduce myself.

My name is Precious, a married and proud mother of 4 angels.

As a growing child, I learnt so many things from my grandmother n my beautiful mum, which contributed to d wonderful person i have become today.
I did diploma in law 2004/2005, after which I went into nursing, yes nursing.
At d beginning it seem confusing but not knowing God planned it that way for a purpose.

God wanted me to have an idea about law n health to be able to face d challenges coming my way.

Some of my friends who knows me so much are here so they are my living witness to whatever I say here, and if u are a member or follower of Apostle Johnson Suleiman den u must have come across my story somehow
I entered Europe 2012 and got married that same year, yes u heard me, that same year.

Some people were worried for me, like u just got here, why the rush, why not make money first?  But that wasn't God's plan
The very month i got married, trouble started, Mind you before we got married, I told him everything about myself, I am the last baby of my house, born into a polygamous home of 7wives 34children,
I was d pampered one, I don’t wash or do house chores, I started cooking by myself wen i gained admission into UNIBEN in 2004, not that I don’t know how to cook but like I said I was the pampered baby of the house.

I get everything I want from both sides anytime I want it so I taught it will continue like that in marriage.

I never knew marriage was a different thing entirely, So my 1st year in marriage was terrible, so terrible that almost quit
We never agreed on anything, because i was thinking am still in my father's house.

My husband happened to be d kind of man who adores handmade food because he doesn't eat out but me, hmmm, pampered lastborn, I don’t like cooking.

I see cooking and domestic chores as stress and hard work because i was not used to it, so we always quarrel over domestic chores.

But am fun to be with, very lively, accommodating, smart, beautiful, and funny but without domestic duties a woman is not complete. I can turn 1naira to 5naira in seconds, because i'm good in business,  Also good in bed, but domestic chores was tearing my home apart. Mind you i was not a deep Christian then, I was not an omega child too, Yes, i'm saying all this because some women thinks with beauty, bedmatics, smartness etc. a woman can survive in marriage.

Sorry to disappoint you, in marriage you have to have a little of everything in you to survive.
My mouth was another fire, when i'm angry and i talk, everywhere go catch fire
2013 i had my first daughter, which brought me to another face in life, i started learning how to pray, and yes I mean serious prayers. Then my darling friend turn sister Queen Joel Agho introduced me to omega fire ministry. I started changing from so many things, I then realized i was the problem in my marriage, But by then my husband don change am for me, he don even de worst pass me.

I cry every night because my bad mouth, bad temper, n scare from domestic chore was gradually turning him into a beast, But den God showed up, Out of frustration my husband turned to alcohol for consolation, Yes alcohol because i was becoming unbearable, you see how we women tear our home out of pride?
I was feeling too proud to humble myself and bring myself down to his level to understand his pain, I taught i'm too beautiful to be controlled, I taught domestic chores was for slaves,  I taught i could always win him over in bed
I never knew i was pushing him out.
Thank God sidechick nor involve oooo, i for hear wiiiiin

It got to a point i moved out of d house because i taught he was enslaving me, for 5months i was out of my home out of stupidity.
Then God showed up through his son The Restoration Apostle, He came to Italy. Napoli to be precise, He told me my errors and prayed for me, then he told me to go back home n win my marriage back.
I went home n the work began, gradually i started enjoying cooking, My kids made me start enjoying domestic chores, because they like picking things from the ground and you know in Europe you are blamed for whatever happens to your kids.  So i had to start maintaining everywhere everyday so that my kids won't eat dangerous things.

My God! It was stressful, I was not used to it but i need to adapt.
As a woman we need to make so many sacrifices, forget beauty because it will fade, forget bedmatics because other girls can do better.

So gradually i started to win, then i went into OBI bible school to perfect God's plan for me. i won my husband over, by the grace of God he is now a chorister in OFM (Omega Fire Ministry) a good one at that.
I almost lost him to the devil in the name of marriage out of carelessness.
Then people started to come to me for marriage counselling, wanting to know how i scaled through.
I started telling them my story, God started using me to heal marriages.
Then the devil showed up again but this time we will put him where it belongs.
My husband that was a violent man became so loving, He handed over to me all his finances, He made me control over everything that concerns him because i now humble myself and submit totally.
Not that we don’t quarrel again, but it doesn't last a day, and we no longer fight.
A woman is the home, when you miss your duty, everyone suffers Wen the home is not peaceful your kids suffer more.
By the grace of God, i now discovered my calling, the reason God made me go through Law, Health, and bible school was to make me a marriage counselor, and he is helping me achieve that.
That is my little experience, i pray it’s able to bless someone here today. ____

Even the government here is now helping see to my calling because my story and how i bounce back made them believe i can do it. Divorce is never an option. Fight and win, God bless u all

@Common Sence Camp

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