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     Force yourself to become somebody that
mankind will be glad you passed through this life.
Do something with your one and only life!
Hitherto have you been trying to solve others
business without minding your own business.

    The time of chasing frivolities is over, it is now
time to aspire and obtain your glorious and
enviable heritage. There's nothing wrong with
helping others, but you can help more people by
making the most of your life. Time is running out
on you, your time is limited, the time of being a
spectator cheering others is over, it is now time
for you to be cheered.
      Do something great and
valuable with your life that will enrich your life
and the life of multitudes. You have been
programmed, endowed with seeds of greatness
which if you can discover, sow and nurture, will
make you an epitome of shinning light among
your peers and a paragon of intellectual
legislation to the world.
There's richness within you, endeavour to make
your life count.
   There is greatness in your DNA.

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