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I have heard lot of people say; all I want to do in this life is just to make money. I want to be rich by all means to the extent that I don't know what to use money for again. I want to live in a good  house; have the best ride; eat good food etc
All this in itself are not bad; but is that all?Don't get me wrong; money is Good. It makes life easy.. True. But there is so much more to life than just making money.
when you finally take your last bow; will you go with all d money and wealth you have acquired? Will God be smiling that he created you or will it be the opposite?The book of books says "ye are for signs and for wonders" and it also says  " the earth is earnestly waiting for you to " manifest"
If the earth is waiting for you to manifest; ask yourself what am i suppose to manifest? What do i have in me that i have to empty myself of? Everyone was born naked not EMPTY. you came to earth loaded; it will be an error to still leave earth loaded. Make God smile by returning to him empty. As a business man/woman will you be happy to take full goods to the market and return with it full; half full or even remaining a little? Am sure you will be excited when you finish selling your goods and not one is left. I like to think That's how God feels sad when one return to him full; half full or even remaining of all he deposited In us. Pls empty yourself. am going to talk briefly on a topic tagged " DIE EMPTY"
As we have heard countless number of times that the richest place on planet earth is not in diamond mines; neither is it found in mineral deposit of the dead sea.
The richest place on earth is the cemetery. Millions of men and women have died; and still dying with their potentials untapped; their dreams forever trapped beneath the grave. The graveyard is filled with potentials;,gifts and talents that were untapped.
A day old baby is filled with potentials that can change the world.
But if when this baby grows up to a young kid; teen and then adult and all this while did nothing with his gifts; who benefits from it? Yes you guess right "The graveyard"
Will you add to the already wealthy graveyard?
If no; then what are you carrying in the inside of you?
You contain ideas and dreams of what you can be for God.

Hidden inside your heart is the class you are suppose to lead; the school you are suppose to birth.. Search yourself Lock within is the book you hope to write; the songs you are suppose to sing; the businesses you were met to established
But you hesistate for fear that it will remain unread; not listen to etc
Waiting in your dreams is the powerful ministry; NGOs; organisations; etc who are suppose to pioneer but you have never launched deep because you feel anxious of being a woman in a man's world.
Change your mindset; it is not a man's world or a woman's world; it is our world; your world.
Every child was given equal opportunity at birth whether male or female. But why is it that some succeed and are making impact while others not so much? You can't make impact if all God deposited in you are left untapped
Come like seriously; How can you just live, get married, pay bills, have kids and die?  Hell no! leave this world empty of all that God has given you.
Those grave yards holds unpainted masterpiece. They hold world renowned organization that were never established; dynamic ministries that never touch a soul.
Too many in churches and families died rich with dreams clutched tightly to their stilled heart
Too many go to their graves with their potentials untapped.
If we could dig out the untapped potentials from one graveyard alone; we could change the world. But of course we can't
We can only tap from the potentials of the living so long as breath remains. Untapped potentials lies in you waiting to be released.
The reason you are still alive is that you Are carrying something that this generation still needs.

If you are still breathing; you owe this generation an explosive impact.
Don't leave without being felt. Don't leave the way you came. Empty your self off of all God's deposit and investment in you. That why you were given in the first place.
Cause a change; make waves and impact. Anywhere you are; let your impact be felt
Die empty give the grave yard nothing but an empty body; shell; carcass of a used up life.
Resolve to have that dream happen; be determine to give the world the best YOU.
It might take time; but one step at a time will take you there. It is never too late to become what you might have been.
Like king Joel Agho said in one of his teachings; he said" it will be an ERROR to pass through this world UNNOTICED.
If in right now with all your wealth; gifts; passions; potentials ; investment you are not being felt even in a little way;,you are a failure..and God isn't smiling😐😶
It is an error; big error and it needs to be corrected
Start making changes not with any currency whether dollar; sterling; pounds; naira etc but with YOU. You are a solution; you are wealth; answers; a song; brand etc. be determine to make impact and make things happen.
When you do; all the money and resources you need will start coming towards you.  But remember what you need first is YOU. Like a friend said you are your first currency.
We use money to get what will want and change what we don't. Someone said when people meet you; you are their acquired currency at that time. What value are you going to bring to the table??
If you are to be priced; how much will people price you? When a man meets and leave you; what would they say about you? What would have changed about them? One minute is enough for change to happen; it depends on how good a currency you are. Now don't just make a difference only in church, make a difference in the world! Exercise your mind! Become the best of YOU! The world needs more doctors, scientist,  lawyers,  entrepreneurs, presidents, innovators etc. The world needs YOU.

The world need you in politics,  in government houses, supreme court and highest levels of government in the world! Stop hiding behinds some excuses. Failure to achieve your dream; become the best you; failure to maximise all God invested in you is inexcusable. No more excuses; there is no better person for the job than you. Yes you!

Don't settle for the easy things! Wake up! Everyone can't be a make up artist! or work in Chevron, Shell or become business moguls! Challenge yourself to take bolder steps all with the mind to make a difference in the world.

Now some of us might have started. That's nice and beautiful!  How about others? Help those around you! Show them the way. Don't go dancing away with your medals; forgetting the many who need your light to help them shine too.
Help someone too become a success. Apostle Paul died empty. He wrote in 2timothy 4:6-7. And the time of my departure has come; I have fought a good fight of faith. I have finished the course and I have kept the faith. By the time apostle Paul took his final bow his a life gauge just hit "empty" he was good to the very last. Another greatest example of dying empty also is our lord Jesus who shouted on the cross "it is finished"

God has filled everyone of us with a treasure that this generation desperately needs. That fortune is wrapped up inside.

The question now is. Will you add to the wealth of the graveyard? Will the graveyard inherit your wealth? Will you rob this generation off your dreams?

Will you deprive this generation and the next by taking the God given treasure in the inside of you to the cemetery?
If NO; then die empty
Your greatest fear shouldn't be death ; your greatest fear should be that you die too soon before emptying yourself of all God's deposit in you. Die empty; again I say DIE EMPTY. Give the grave yard nothing but an empty carcass of a used up life.

Finally, i round up with this. life is not fair, it is not going to give you what you desire, if you don't learn to take it! What will be will never be, if you don't do something!
You were born naked but never empty. Refuse to let life happen to you! Happen to life. No matter what it throws at you, choose to win! choose to make a difference!  And when you finally take your last bow; leave EMPTY.
          God bless us!

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