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  There will be times in your life where you will have to reassess your life and current situations. You may have to reassess your network (friends). You may have to reassess your thought process. You may have to reassess your career.

  There is nothing wrong with you re-evaluating your life, but there is something wrong with letting life pass you by without change.

    Change is inevitable, it must happen. The world changes daily, and you have to have the ability to adapt.
Your life matters, whether you know it or not. This goes back to re-assessing your thought process.

Your mind can carry you places your money can't take you. A written vision can become a wonderful
masterpiece. Your mess can become a masterpiece. Just because your portrait doesn't look like anyone else's doesn't mean its not beautiful. Remember beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

Hold on to that vision, live your greatest life now, not tomorrow, but now. Dream big n work towards actualizing your dreams and if something needs to be realigned or re-assessed then by all means change it.
You have got everything you need to rule and reign in life, stop living a mediocre life. Change!

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