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   Success begins  in the mind. It is created by your thoughts, it isn't  a product of luck. The bible says 'as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he"'.

You are controlled  and directed in your  thought,  because nothing  happens without it first going  through the thought  process .

Your thought  equips you for greatness.
It creates your reality. Your life will remain @ the level of your thought. So think positively and  act towards actualizing it.

Nothing  can stop a man with the right mental attitude and nothing  on earth can help  a man with  the wrong  mental attitude. Your life reflects the kind of thought you constantly conceived. You are exactly what you think.

Your creative powers are founded on your thought life. Success  isn't out there, it is within  you. if you refuse to fail in your thought, nothing can stop you.

Men may destroy things around you with  their negative mental attitude ,but don't  let them destroy your dreams. You are responsible for your dreams and it is you who decide  what shape it will  take.

create, watch and  channel  those thought into productive  use  and see what happens next. Think success, walk success, breath success,  visualize  success and  act success,. Turn those thought into reality now. your time starts NOW.

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