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If you are a child of GOD, you are a child of promise. it takes divine timing to arrived at GOD'S best for you.
You might have been so long in that situation, don't GIVE UP, because  it isn't yet over until it is over.

It might take long but it will come to pass. Delay isn't denial.
many of us think GOD has abandoned us so they loose hope. pls hold on to your faith, the next minute might be your turn to have a testimony.

HE is never early or late, GOD is always on time. He is working behind the scene in your Favor.
Your problems can limit you, but it can't limit GOD. Stop magnifying the bigness of your problems, start looking at the Mightiness of your GOD. he is JEHOVAH UNLIMITED. As you go about today, Have this consciousness that God is for you; and He is working behind the scene to make all things work for your good.
It is your time and your turn to celebrate and nothing can STOP IT.
Have a blessed day!

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