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KObah koate speaks


Growing up we had our usual family ritual, we'd be up 5-5.30am to do our morning devotion. I never liked the idea though, and I don't think any of my siblings or relations who stayed with us at any point in time liked it either. There was something about the morning sleep and you, waking up.

Mum always asked us (anyone of us, if not all of us) to give our own understanding of the scripture of study for that day, and we'd all try to give it at its best. YOU just have to get the right or close interpretations, otherwise, you collect some corrections with whatever the spirit leads. #Laughs

Usually, we'd all begin with saying "This Scripture is 'TRYING' to say that ABC XYZ". For a long time, we all saw GOD's Words as "TRYING TO SAY" until one day, I think Mum saw that the WORD is not TRYING to SAY, rather, it's SAYING - She changed how we presented the WORD.

Many times, Believers make these mistakes too. We often see or put GOD and His Words as or in a Process, We see faith as a process, we see the finished works of Christ as a Process, but NO, it should never be a PROCESS. It is the END. It was sealed even before you met it.

The God Life is understanding that everything has been confirmed already and living in that knowledge of this truth. God is never trying to say, HE IS SAYING. Yes, He said already. Done Deal. Everything's sorted even before YOU ask. It's not a Process, It's an END already.

In believing and or working with GOD, YOU must know that Faith in HIM is not a Process. Believing in Christ's finished Works is not a Process. God's words is not a process. Stop believing that God will do it (as a Process). It's been DONE Already (as an END).

And YES, things will be unto YOU according to YOUR understanding of what has been done and knowledge of God, His Words and Manifestations. If YOU live by "GOD will do it - as a Process", it will be a Process and if YOU live by "God has DONE it - As an End", it remains an end.

i am KOBAH Koate, and I wish YOU more than a BLESSED day. Take Charge, CHANGE YOUR WORLD.


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