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Do not let anyone steal your dream! The world is full of dream killers - people whose sole mission in life is to sabotage you and your dream. They look for ways to crush your energy and deaden your life force by highlighting uncertainty, reminding you of what you don't have or what you may need. They point out weaknesses, mistakes, setbacks and past losses when you turn to them for encouragemnt.
Sometimes dream killers appear in the faces of people closest to you and other times they whisper and hide out in the deep recesses of your own mind. Safeguard your mind.
Preserve your energy. Do not answer them or entertain their conversations. Leave them alone! Say to yourself over and over again.. I got this! I was born to win. Keep moving toward your dream and imagine the feeling of having accomplished your dream. Remember above all, do not let anyone steal your dream. You can make it happen. You deserve to win, And you will!

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