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Human beings tend to hold on to anger and pains.  We mask it behind fake smiles while we silently whit away. We cover up disappointment and rejection,  we let it fester up for so long that it kills our inner joy and dry up our resilient spirit.

We are so good at holding on to grudges and a broken spirit that we have given ourselves millions of reasons why we can’t let go and heal.

Yes, there is no doubt people left you,  your heart got broken , you lost your job after your many efforts, you were duped, your spouse of many years gave you that divorce letter,  your fiance told youthe you are incomplete and not good enough to be around him.  Your sibling, parents even kids yelled at you for one thing or the other. You just find it difficult to let go for one reason or the other.

Holding onto hurt is a choice and so is letting go.  You can’t heal from what you have not released, you can’t become your best you, when you are still seething from your past hurts. You can’t become better when you have given bitterness a permanent abode in your heart. Being bitter wouldn’t help you, it only creates more resentment. It stifles your ability to become the best version of you. When God created you he saw you as the best. Stop allowing people’s opinions or attitude towards you become your reality.  Let go of that hurt so you can heal. Yes it hurt to watch everything you care about get ripped away from you, it hurts to be told that you are not good enough. Listen, the best evidence you can give someone who has never believed in you is MASSIVE SUCCESS.  You can’t do that if you are still refusing to let go of the bonds of bitterness that holds you bound.

Stop cheating yourself.  Break the barricade you have built around yourself. Let people see the amazing person you you have become. Stop holding on to hurts or pains that do not help you  be your best. Stop watering dead relationships that should have long ended,  stop trying to bring irrelevant and dead things back to life.  If you are holding onto a relationship, friendship or job that doesn’t add value to you or help you maximize your God given talents, let them go. It is time to stop letting people breath on you their plans and ideas of what they think is best for you, it is time to let God make you what He created you for.  Let go of every shackles that seem to drag you back, respect yourself enough to let go of anyone and anything that do not value you. Close the door with a Big Bang on that story and never look back.  You are not a nonentity, you have an identity in Christ.  He created you to show forth his praise. He created you to be your best and to make an impact. He created you for a purpose. So let go of everything that seems to deny you of that. Cry if you must, but thereafter, dust yourself and rise again.

Letting go might not be an easy decision,  you might be doubtful, unsure and have so many “what ifs” . What if it doesn’t work out right?  Let me ask you what if it work out right??? Let go of all the wrong things and start saying yes to the right things. Break down those walls, Let it go and start afresh. Let it go and start pursuing those dreams. Let it go and start dreaming. Let it go, stop faking the smile and start living the smile.  No matter what the pain is,  or what your past is, let it go and don’t quit.  Everything will start making sense soon and only when you let go will you start living again.

Trust God to help you, surrender all to him and let him help you heal.  Let it all go, and find the grace to start again.  Let go and heal.

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