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Ladies, if you have a man who only calls you when he Wants sex, you are single. If every time you and your man meet you're always having sex, you probably means nothing to him, and he is just using You. If your relationship is based only on sex, sex, sex it won't go no where. At least if you can't have mature conversation anytime you meet him you should know he is not interested in making you a better person. What interests him is you to open your legs and nothing more. He should be interested in your future.

He should ask about your plans He should motivate you to achieve your dreams.
What happened to all your dreams, goals & aspirations you had before you met this guy.

You used to be so smart, so on point, so confident, but you met a guy and he sucked all your dreams away and replaced it with sex.
The time to wake up is now!

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