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And the lord said unto moses,  see i have made you a god to pharaoh.
~exodus 7vs1

Until you know  your identity, you can't  live life according  to Gods design for you. To think less than God created you is to achieve less than God design for you.
Everything  you will  need to fulfill  destiny has been made available but your understanding  of whom you really are is what helps you to take delivery of them..
To think less of whom you are is a good way of loosing  what is rightfully yours..
You are not like everybody, you are not just another person.  You are the seed of the almighty God.
Your father is the king of the whole universe.  His word is the final say in all issues.

As you go about today, walk and work with this consciousness that you are a god, you were made in his image and likeness.  For he that's from above, is above all.

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