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Next month would be the 12th wedding anniversary of Ajani and Ajoke, and God hadn’t blessed them with the fruit of the womb yet. They had fasted and prayed, and trusted God but their faith was beginning to grow weak day by day.

Ajani was a medical doctor, so all medical checkups that you can think of had already been done, and both were certified okay. So why then they had not been able to conceive a child for 12 good years ….?

The pressure was becoming too much to bear, Ajani’s family advised him to marry another wife, but he knew the stand of God on marrying more than one wife. Some advised them to adopt a child for the time being, but they still wanted to wait on God.  Ajoke was constantly depressed, her younger ones that got married after her were already signing out of child bearing already, she prayed and cried to God almost every day. But she was beginning to feel that God wasn’t interested in her life anymore, she was almost giving up. “Maybe I should just listen to my colleague’s advice and follow her to that prophet she has been talking about” she thought after a heated argument between herself and her husband, just because she asked for money to buy Aso-Ebi.
“You want to go and celebrate your friend’s grandmother's burial, when people are supposed to be celebrating your child birth. Ajoke se o ni ironu ni (don’t you think at all?)” Ajani asked
“What do you want me to do Ajani, is it my fault that I haven’t been able to conceive, am I the one that gives children, is it not God that gives children?” she asked amidst tears, as every little thing made her emotional those days.
“You had better stop crying, your tears don’t move me barren woman, and I can’t be investing my money on you without any profit. So if you have money go buy Aso-Ebi for yourself… nonsense” Ajani said angrily

“Why do you think it is your wife’s fault, why does everyone always blame women for childlessness?” One of Ajani’s friends called Dapo said when Ajani wouldn’t stop blaming Ajoke for their childlessness as he poured out his heart to his friends that evening.
“Well Dapo, don’t blame Ajani, culture and the society have crept into our minds that we sometimes don’t want to say or believe the truth anymore. Just Imagine Ajani putting the blame on his wife even though he is a medical doctor who knows that it can be the man’s fault as much as it can be the woman’s fault” Kunle who is another friend of Ajani said
“What do you want me to do guys, you people can’t understand my plight at all. For example Dapo, you got married 4 years after me and you already have 3 beautiful kids you can call your own. And you Kunle, we got married the same year, and your first son is already in secondary school, very soon he will enter the university. And here I am without a child, no one to call me Daddy lagbaja, every one still calls me Uncle Ajani, you guys don’t know how I feel when I see your kids call you daddy. So don’t even tell me to just keep quiet at all” Ajani said angrily
“Yes, you are right, we may not know how you feel or know the pains that you pass through, but God knows it. So instead of blaming your wife, just keep praying and…” Dapo was trying to comfort him, but Ajani would not even let him finish
“Pray you say, do you think I have not been praying? I have prayed, fasted and cried to God but it seems he is just deaf to all my pleas” Ajani complained
“Have you tried laying your hands on your wife, and prophesying into her life before” Kunle asked
“Prophesying? But am not a prophet” Ajani said
“But you are. Every man is the prophet, priest and pastor of his home. There is an authority that God has given men as the head, this authority is not just to lead and boss their wives around, but to also lead her spiritually and prophesy into the life of their wives and children” Kunle explained
“Really!” Ajani exclaimed
“Yes o, Ajani. Even the devil dares not challenge your authority” Dapo added
“This is the first time I will be hearing it, all I hear is ‘God answers the prayer of a prayerful woman, mother and wife’, have never heard of the power in the prayers of a praying husband” Ajani said
Haven't you read Genesis 25:21”Isaac pleaded with the LORD on behalf of his wife, because she was unable to have children. The LORD answered Isaac's prayer, and Rebekah became pregnant with twins" Dapo said

“Both have powers, and God answers both prayers as well, but sometimes he might just be waiting for you to use your authority as the head to declare the impossible. The devil does not want men to know this secret, and that is why he has made most men believe that prayer is for the women alone” Kunle said.

“Wow! Kunle and Dapo God bless you for this rhema” Ajani said
He hurried home to meet his wife, by the time he got home she was already fast asleep, you know that kind of sleep that you sleep when you have cried your eyes out. Ajani knelt beside her on the floor, laid one hand on his wife’s head and another on her tummy and began to ‘skabash’ and prophesy into her life. Ajoke woke up confused and surprised, is this not the same man that stormed out of the house angrily after calling me a barren woman this evening, what is he doing touching my head and tummy.  But before she could talk or try to remove his hands, she felt an anointing flowing into her….Ajani continued the ‘skabashing’ for few minutes before he stopped
“What just happened?” Ajoke asked
“My sweetheart, am so sorry for the immature way I behaved this afternoon, I am truly sorry, please forgive me my love” Ajani begged on his kneel
“Please stand up first, why are you praying for me like a deliverance minister or something?” Ajoke asked
“I was prophesying into your life and using my authority as the head” Ajani said
“I must confess I would have fallen down under your anointing if not that I was laying on the bed” Ajoke said
“Really! Please forgive me so that God can answer our prayer” Ajani begged
“I have forgiven you dear, and I love you so much” Ajoke said
“I love you so much more my Queen” Ajani said as he planted a kiss on her lips which started the process that ended up answering their prayer that night.
Exactly nine month later, Ajoke delivered a baby girl and before she could even say Jack Robinson, she was pregnant with another baby less than a year after the first baby and this time she delivered two baby boys…..
“Ajani, you will continue to be my only prophet, I would have made a very grave mistake if I had followed my friend to see the prophet she invited me to see.  I just discovered that the prophet is a fake prophet and the child my friend conceived when she went to that prophet for prayer is gravely ill now, I really thank God for your life my dear….” Ajoke praised her husband 5 years later
“Don’t worry, you won’t need to visit any prophet or pastor again, I will forever be your PPP” Ajani said
“Which one is PPP again o?” Ajoke asked
“Prophet, Priest and Pastor” Ajani answered and they both lived happily ever after

© Princess Janet 2018

Please share, it might just bless a family.

N. B: pls share or repost if you want but do not edit out the writers name and put yours.  I have lots of friends who do that.. Biko give the writer  the credit.  This message is inspiring


  1. Huhmmmm I can't just find a word to say...

  2. Mum taught me: "Before you get married, make sure you're qualified to be a husband (your ministry to your wife), a father (your ministry to your children) and a priest (your ministry to God as a husband and father)". And this story reminds me of these. Thanks.

    1. Mum is a wise woman. Thanks for paying heed to her advice. Keep winning
