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Men get in here quickly, this is still very relevant. I know a lot of you are guilty of this;

I remember one time my partner came visiting, it was a full house that Sunday, mom was having some kind of a women's meeting and she needed an extra hand to help. After all was done and the guests had left, it got very late and i couldn't drop bae off at the bus station to pick a cab home because the head lights was kinda bad. After she was dressed and ready to leave, as usual i had to give her some bus money to pay her way back home, but the silly mistake i made was to give her money in the sitting room with my mom watching.

After i saw her off and came back my mom was sitting there waiting for me with a notebook and a pencil, as soon as i got in the first thing i heard was "young man, come and sit down here let me teach you something". The next 30minutes was the longest in my entire life, I got a lecture from my mother on how to give a woman money, i can laugh about it now but honestly it wasn't funny at all.

She was like; "i saw what you did, that was not a nice way to give your girl bus fare to go home, next time call her in and give it to her in private, it's better that way, not in public, and certainly not with people watching, that was a very wrong thing to do, women feel embarrassed when you do that, she may never say it but we all do. What your father use to do back then when we were dating was even better, every time i went visiting he would stylishly slip bus money into my purse when i wasn't watching, and when i was leaving he will just whisper 'dear there is transport money in your purse', after a while of doing that he stopped whispering, i always knew he had slip money in my bag for me"...

Wow, those 30minutes taught me alot of things i didn't know, there are so many things we still need to learn guys, so many things, i teach this all the time; the real work in a relationship starts after the first "i love you", so don't get comfortable with the fact you have won her heart, there's still loads of work to be done to keep that heart beating for you,  do you catch this guys?

Some of us are even worse. The way we give a woman money is terrible. Some of you still walk your woman to the bus station, pay the conductor and wait there to collect change before turning back, it's so wrong. If you're the type of brother that openly give a woman money at the bus stop you need serious prayers, that's so embarrassing, give her bus money before leaving home, stylishly slip it into her purse and let her find it. There's a zip pocket on one side of her handbag, put it there and let her know when she's leaving, after sometime she'll catch the trick. If she didn't come with a purse you can stylishly slip it in her pocket when sharing a hug.

And let me quickly say this too, always leave an extra something on that bus fare, somebody cannot just come and visit you without buying Lacasera and gala on her way back 😃😃😃, don't always give her the exact bus money that will take her home, top it up alitle, okay? if you don't put a smile on her face who will?

I hope somebody caught something new?

#confessionsofagodman #allisonhyacintho
© Allison hyacintho


  1. True talk emy God bless you more

  2. Great piece! I made the same mistake when I first took someone out for a date. I apologized later and she corrected me. Now I am saying it openly that I am very sorry. Thank you Emily!

  3. Awww. You are amazing. Thank you
