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                  DON'T SETTLE ~ BY OSAGIE
      The easiest thing yet also difficult for anyone is to settle. Many times we just resign not to push ourselves further so we settle. Sometimes we settle for less, settle for below our desires, potentials, dreams and expectations yet have slogans like "a bird in hand is worth 10 in the bush", "half bread is better than none". But today I dare you, don't settle. Yes don't settle. Don't settle for less. Do you know that even your brain has plasticity so it doesn't settle. It can be stretched and outstretched. So why must you don't settle:

1) Whatever you have become now, you can be 10 times better. The caterpillar didn't settle, that's why there is a butterfly and you too can fly.

2) Once you settle, you loose your hunger. In the immortal words of Steve Jobs, "stay foolish, stay hungry" don't settle.

3) Just a little push can make all the difference. Continuous and Never ending daily improvement keeps you firing and you never settle cause it can be better and greater.

The enemy of your best is your good. The only way to move from good to great is not only to read Jim Collins but also to resolve not to settle. #R4HL

Deliberately seek out ways for you to daily get better in specific areas of your life (finance, relationship, spiritual, emotional, intellectual) don't settle. #W3

I know about contentment, but it is not an excuse for settlement. Stay foolish, Stay hungry, don't settle except you are gone and your life is done. #R4HL

If you need someone to be there for you as an accountability partner so you don't settle, @wisdomcounselin we can be of help. Don't settle!

The only time Christ settled was when he said it is finished. Until you are finished,
Don't Settle! #W3.
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Wisdom Counseling Centre (WCC) the copyright owners of #R4HL and #W3 in BS Sessions.

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