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If a man dies, shall he live again?all the daysof my
appointed time will i wait until my change
comes. Job 14vs 14.

Change is definite, you will
not die in that problem, your change must come.
Job waited until his change came, despite all he was
going through, he still had hope.
Hope provoke
change, even if you are not seeing something to live for, just
live With this consciousness that your change is
You have a life to live, live it to the fullest.
If job could
wait and see change, your own must come.
The reason the
devil is fighting you tooth and nails, is because he knows you
are a child of destiny, a big headache to him, a
kingdom bullet to him, a poisonous arrow to him/ his
Don't sit there and wallow in self pity, stand
up and dust yourself, tell your self if GOD was there to
deliver  Job from His many troubles; Joseph from prison, David from Saul, HE
won't start abandoning with you. See that problem as a training
ground every destiny carrier must pass through, for their
destiny to manifest.
Before cassava became garri it went through many process eg uprooting; peeling; washing; grinding; pressing not to talk of the frying/fire process before it came out as the garri you know.
Every great man in history and Bible days went through the wilderness process before they made history. The bigger the problems/storm the bigger the Glory.
Is the problems seeming insurmountable? Is the journey and going getting tough and rougher? Don't quit just yet; just change your shoes.
Hold fast and don't give up, because God
hasn't given up on you.
Your change must come!

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