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Delayed obedience equals disobedience.

God gave a supposed- be pastor a mandate to start a church in an area. The pastor was giving excuses as to why he couldn't, for time being. Years later,he was passing through the street where God showed him in the revelation. There, he met the same name of church and same pattern of building God gave to him. He entered the church and inquired of how long the infrastructure and vision had been established and was told not so long.

Most visions(call) we have today are carry overs of what the disobedience of some sheep caused. They are not originally for us. Men have failed God for it repented God of creating man. Saul,Adam and the Israelites made God regretted Of creating man.

It is a good thing to serve the Lord. Obedience is the first law in heaven that is why once a person is told "depart" he would have no time to explain nor apologise

God has laid the burdens of others and ministries in our hearts. We've dragged and even ignored to a point where we silent the voice yet we cry for blessings . It's called disobedience

God has sent us to unsaved souls, we even try to explain to God who created the heavens and the earth as though he didn't know our ability or the person being sent to before sending us.

Pastors have heared of doctrines and inordinate demand for money,  bishops have heared that altar call is more necessary than themessage preached yet choose to ignore.. Who can stand the wrath of God?
Do not our unbelief makes God seem a fool? God forbid .
When a man disobeys God, he faces the wrong side which is usually a life of pain and struggle ask Uncle Jonah

Sometimes the voice of God we hear is not God with us but strolling away from us.
Listen, God may be patient with u but won't  waste time with u.May the almighty God help us to be obedient children in Jesus name

Quit sin
Embrace obedience

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