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Who am I? Understanding the you in you.

Let me paraphrase it to discovering the real you.
We live in a world where certain people expect you to live in a certain way or be certain things. And when you try to conform to people's expectation of you and you fail; you are tagged a failure.
The reason many live depressing lives is because they are trying to fit into people's plans for them. Thereby neglecting their own life and happiness.

Your happiness should be more Paramount because it's only when you are happy and fulfilled you can glow and be a blessing to those around you and the world at large.
You can't discover who you are when all you are doing is trying to please everybody. The fastest way to kill the "real" you is trying to fit into what society dictates. The greatest life you can live is when you discover your real self and live it to the fullest.
The time is now to do something; don't drag your feet. You are the only real obstacle in your path to living a fulfilling life.
Who are you? How do you discover the you in you? Follow me
See How you perceive yourself will control every moment of your existence. The world will only make room for a man who knows and understand where he is going. Who you are is your self identity. It is understanding your values; what makes you you and more importantly understanding what you were created to be.
How do you discover the you in you?

To know who you are; you have to discover what makes you feel alive.
 Have you ever find yourself struggling to go through a job everyday and yet no fulfilment?
Do you find yourself bored getting through a task because it doesn't challenge you? Have you ever found yourself thinking " this is just not me; I hate this; am not happy here" etc. you might have talent for the job. But if you don't have passion for it; it becomes just a chore. Boring and unfulfilling.
My immediate younger brother has a passion for drumming and a talent for singing. But he prefers drumming more. His reason; it makes me happy when I drum and people enjoy the sounds I produce with my sticks.. How did he do that?
 When we were growing up. There is something he does. When ever he comes back from school he looks for empty tins and plastic containers. And a piece of zinc (roofing) sheets

 He sets them up like a drum. He beats them sometimes to music only him understands.
This draws the attention of other kids. They all want to see him play because they want to dance. Before you know some volunteer to be pastor; some praise leaders etc

He does this everyday. If you like beat him; after crying he carries his drum sticks and goes back to playing drums.
My mum had to ask him one day; why do you always play this drum don't you get tired? He says mummy this is what I love to do; it makes me happy. And when I play; people dance. I can sing too but I love to back it up with drumming.

One day we went to church and the drummer travelled; the praises were dull; he told me; emily I want to go play drum. People are not dancing as they are singing. I told him to go. Immediately he sat down and started playing people even the senior pastor was asking; how us that possible? Today he is called and even paid to come play drums even outside the state.He discovered what he is passionate about. Couple it with his talent. And doing what he knows how to do best.
You have to find out that thing that makes you come alive. That task that gives you extra energy that even when you are tired you still find yourself going. That is passion.
 Discover what your passion is/are; get it/them  on paper! Study them and don't let them go to waste. Understanding your passion is crucial to understanding your real self.

   There is a difference between talent and passion; though they go hand in hand. Talent is innate/inbuilt. You can explain passion but you can't really explain talent. Talent was born with you. You can be very good at doing something but the passion to pursue it isn't there. For example " you can draw. Ts not like you are an artist; you didn't go to school for it you. Your just discover you can draw anything in front of you as long as you can get your hand on a paper and pencil. You can't explain how it is that you can draw. It is just there. And passion "someone say how is it that you love helping people".  You smile and Your answer is like it makes me happy and fulfilled seeing people smile. Their smile alone drives you to do more. You can have a talent and not have a passion for it. And Rather you find yourself doing something else that makes you real happy.

Am trying to say you can have a talent and not have a passion for it. But if you have a talent/ and can back it up with passion. Wow.👏🏻
Talent is inbuilt. For it to be seen; passion had to drive it out. A talent can be  alive in a person for others to derive from it; you have to be passionate in sharing it.
Lot of people have passion for football they will tell you the history of this club and that club without failing. Whenever there is a match you see them in the front. It is like a hobby. They love the game and happy to help you out with any question you have bout it but no talent to play it. Why some can play it but not really interested about it going into it.

 To really maximize your talent back it up with passion. Talent it the vehicle; passion is the fuel. If you have talent and no fuel; it soon become a chore and soon you might all together loose interest in it.talent is action; passion is the force. Passion can be shared; but talent is unique to each individual.

 When you have discover what you are passionate about; or what your unique ability is (talent) then you are already on your way to making a name for yourself. Another thing to watch out for and to be selective about when it comes to being all you were created to be in life is;

Three things can make or mar you. Your attitude or thought about yourself; books you read and the friends you keep (association) bad character they say corrupt good manner. To be all you were created to be; you have to keep the right association. Wrong association can derail you from your real self and all together short circuit you greatness. If the kind of friends you keep can't make you better then you need to drop them.
 Proverb 13:20 says he that walketh with the wise shall be wise and a companion of fools shall be destroy. In discovering and understanding who you really are; your friends matters. And I repeat if your friends aren't changing and inspiring you to yoyr fullest potentials; then change your friends. Be selective of your friends. Knowing your passions and talent is not enough you need to Connect with the right people. People who can keep the fire in you ablaze. Run away from people you stifle your passions. Dream killers and energy drainers. Not everyone is permitted to be in your life. What you permit; you permanent.
Connect with people of vision. Recharge yourself with quality conversations; books and tapes.
 It will be an error to continue living your life the way society dictates.You dream was given to you. Not someone else. Ts your dream; your gift; your passion discover it; cultivate and nourish it. leave energy drainers alone don't let them slow you down and kill the real you. The possibilities you can make happen are too important.

   Matthew 6:33 NIV. But seek ye first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.
This is your primary purpose to seek him first.FIRST! Isaiah 43:21 says this people have I formed that they show forth my praise.
 Then proverb 16:3 says commit to the lord whatsoever you do and he will establish your plans.
In all your discovery of your true self; you should be your number one. When you seek him first; and commit your plans; passions; etc into his hands. He establish your path and make you succeed. You need him; because without him; you are nothing and can do nothing.

 I will round up with this. Program yourself and be determine that no matter what; you must fulfil purpose. If you don't program yourself; life will program you; And you may not like it. This is the age of awareness. Age of the mind; Those who can think; or create. Those who are trained or resourceful; those who are passionate;  talented and can make use of their God given resource are the ones who will determine their own destiny. Whether you fail or succeed it is up to you.
God bless