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   Who is a real woman? A real woman to me is one who is matured; and grounded on a physical: mental; emotional and spiritual level. There is this adage that says " what a man can do; a woman can do even better.
oh women lets stop focusing on doing better what a
man can do and Begin to do the best of what we
were created to do.
A real woman is unique,
valuable, sensitive, competent, one who has ambitions
yet possesses class nd finesse.

No man get relief from holding a woman who exhibit the same
characteristic he already has. As a woman you  are celebrated in your
uniquenes not in ur similarites.
 Women's liberation is not a movement; it is a mentality.Bishop T D Jakes noted That liberation begins when you are free to be yourself and
recognise that your strength as a woman is different but not lesser than the strength of a man. The mistake of the past is man's oppression of women, but the mistake
of the future is the mentality or spirit where by the woman
imitates the masculine strength of a man thereby  losing the creative edge of her feminine perspective.
A woman is the soul of  the house, the heart of the marriage, the hope of the children;  and the  life support of
her lover, her husband, her man.
We must realise That we were designed to work together, our strength is in the variance of our strategies. Man was made to be the head of the home; you are the neck or life support.Stop
trying to get the role of a man, it leads to stagnation
and chaos because  your role would  be left vacant and unacomplished. discover the woman you are and fulfill purpose
 Any woman who fails at home has failed in all if not everything. Charity they say begins at home. Your ministry as a woman starts at home. Not from the office or pulpit. A woman is the life support of the home. If your home will be a heaven or a hell on earth; it begins with you. As a woman; you should be source of joy to be around with whether married or single.

° A real woman has patience. She is one who waits. She puts her future ahead of sexual relationships. She is discerning.

° A real woman acts like a woman. God created you to be sensual; gentle and nurturing for a reason.

° A woman is bold and courageous and yet not losing her feminine qualities.

° A real woman is committed and sold out to God.
Whether you are married; dating/courting; you must be committed and sold out to God. Number one priority. Because a home without Christ is filled with crises.

° A real woman is a woman of prayer and she is deeply rooted in God's word. Act 6:4; romans :12:12. No matter the matter she is always in communication with God
As a real woman; you can't hear God until you have read God. (The word). The word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against you. Any woman/man that commits sin lacks the word. Study to show thyself approved.

° A real committed woman is always in his presence. She isn't a time waster. She respects and manage time judiciously.

° A real woman invest. She invest in herself; her home; In people and in her future.
Real women don't sit and wait around for a man before they start living their life. Even if you are not educated; get a skills or learn a trade. Don't be a liability.

° Real women cause changes.because you are a woman doesn't mean you can't make impacts and cause changes. Make things happen. Don't be a spectator in your own life.

° Real women are hard working. God blesses the work of your hand not d gossip of your mouth. If your hands Are empty; what will God bless?      

 ° Real women have the ability to manage what they have today; grow it for a guarantee future.
A real woman helps her husband save not squander. She helps him build. If as a woman all you know how to do is spend spend and spend your husband's or fiance's earnings; without making plans for tomorrow; Then you have failed. Real women knows how to save and help their man save.

° Be successful in your placement. Be determine to succeed. Whatever thy hand finds to do; do with all diligence.


  They include but not limited to
° identify your career/strength. Know your area of strength and expertise. What are you passionate about?

° Go for skills and trainings relating to your area of expertise. Enhance your skills. Don't dabble in everything. You can't be good at everything. Know where your strength lies.

° Be creative:
don't be stuck to one method of doing things. Things change everyday. Improve on your skills everyday. There are different ways to cook egusi soup. The one you know may still be good but could be outdated. Lol. The frying egusi method is there; the caking method is there even pepper soup egusi etc.
You see different method. My point is fine tune your skills.Pls upgrade regularly.

 ° Branding: Let people know you for your style. The difference between kpekere and plantain chips is packaging. Package and brand your style.

° Take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way and maximise it judiciuosly.

° Surround yourself with wise friends. Proverb 13:20 says "he that walketh with the wise shall be wise but a companion of fools suffer harm" . Walk with like minded people; people who share same vision as you.

° Never keep a friend who is not adding to your life. It is better to be alone than with wrong company. Amos 3:3 says two can't walk together except they agree.

° Keep your integrity and character. Take corrections and be teacheable.
° Above all get connected and stay connect to God. He is your everything .without him you can do nothing. Everything you need to be successful is in Him. You can only find it; when you are stuck to him. Search His word and communicate with Him daily. Your home and life can only be crises free when it is Christ filled!

What you should know. It is not a sin . don't be too holy when it comes to some of this. Ehen

1: always expresses your love and commitment to your man.

2: be a freak in bed; a chef in the kitchen; a therapist during hard times and a coach when your hubby is off his game. No be sin

3.A good woman is her Hubands mirror. She preps him before he leaves the house. He is representing you outside too. You both are reflection of yourselves. If your hubby is the type that dresses haggardly; you are to blame.

 4: help your husband grow and glow. Men no dey forbids better thing o

5 A real wife is one who acts like a woman. God created you to be sensual; gentle and nurturing for a reason. Stop acting like james bond. You can still make your point without shouting ; being insultive or going physical. Some women get mendal for this kind of thing.
Don't allow your home become a boxing ring and you the punch bag for whatever reason.

6:know your way around the kitchen.
Women pleaseeee. Be creative. Learn how to cook well. One of the Way to a Man's heart is through the stomach. You are not allowed to slack in this area at all.
7: Never ever compare your man to Mr B. Not for any reason. Women plsss men hates this.


  While everyman is different; there are certain things about a woman that makes a man stand up and take notice. And makes him desire to know you more.

° Men wants a woman who is playful:
 Men loves to play. Whether married or single.
Unfortunately, too many women seem to forget this and want to talk their way into a man’s heart.
 It’s not just your words that make a man attracted to you, it’s the experiences you create with him.

Watch or play sports together, be competitive in casual games like football etc even add a little teasing and sarcasm here and there. They love it. It keeps your friendship/relationship interesting
 ° A Real Man Wants A Woman Who Is Independent
Lots of women mistakenly believe that men are looking for a “weaker” woman who will make them feel like they are smarter and more powerful. Nothing could be far from the truth
Real men want a woman who inspires them because she has great things going on in her own life. They want a woman who has her own purpose other than being in a relationship.

° A real man isn’t intimidated by independence and success. What matters to a man is that a woman still has space in her life for a great relationship.

stay busy in your own life and not suddenly make him your world.  Don’t drop your own interests, responsibilities, and friends just to be with him.  Don't be too clingy like a second skin. Give him breathing room

 °A real man wants a woman he is attracted to. Look good and dress good. Don't try forcing yourself on any man. Relax and let love happen naturally. Don't be forceful this pushes men away.don't push him away by trying too hard. Let things happen naturally. Have a sense of humour.  Say and do things that interject fun into your relationship or friendship. Let him woo and pursue you if it is mearnt to be it will happen.
 Women the only man you are permitted to pursue shamelessly is a man who stole your purse. Lol.
Let him do the pursuing. Real men pursue.
Have a great day.


  1. Well said, God created men and women in their own uniqueness and not similarity, we should get this at the back of our mind.....

  2. Well said, God created men and women in their own uniqueness and not similarity, we should get this at the back of our mind.....
