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2nd Lecture

By King Joel Agho

King Joel:
Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen, I am excited to see us here. When I see people make themselves uncomfortable to learn, it indicates there is hope for tomorrow The challenge of the 21st century mind is that we refuse to learn, unlearn and relearn.: Today, we will do some deprogramming and reprogramming
My name is King Joel Agho.
I help people discover and maximize their potentials using their Relationships, Opportunities and Common Sense.
I have a passion to; *Raise Platforms *Create Synergies , *Project , Network and become a Springboard for young talents to emerge and excel.
Thank God for my sister Emily, she did so much justice to the basis. I would have the least of task to do now. She was a 'bomb' indeed 
Today, I will be sharing briefly on Putting Your Potentials and Passion into Action.

Putting Your Potentials and Passion into Action.
The difference between a successful person and a failure is not that the former had better opportunities or abilities but he had the courage and skills to bet and act on his ideas.
Underline courage and skills. Paul J Meyer said and I quote; whatever you vividly imagine, sincerely believe and enthusiastically act upon, must inevitably come pass. All of us are dreamers, what differentiates us is our drive to bring results.
Alot of us still thinks, we should leave everything in the Hand of God.
I do not have a problem with believing in God, but I have a problem with those that won't do anything and expecting a miracle.
Any faith that leaves God absolutely responsible is fake. Shallow men believes in luck, but great men believes in cause and effect. - Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Naturally, there are basic steps you must take to turn your potentials and Passion into reality. This is not a spiritual matter. It is pure reality. So now, with all these beautiful explanations and explicit information from Emily about discovering your passion and turning them into a tangible product, what is the process like? You may want to ask, how do I turn my potentials and Passion into Action and get results? I am here for you

1.Believe in Yourself
After self-discovery, the next most important tool for self-fulfillment is self-confidence. The world will always step aside for the man that knows where he is going. No matter the skills of an attacker, the coach will always keep him on the bench if he is not confident in front of goals. Whatsoever you can believe, you are right. It was Napoloen Hill that said; 'Whatever the Mind conceives and believes, it can achieve'. Self-confidence is a necessary tool for self-actualization. There is a parable in our local Palace that interpretes that; The MAN was killed here is far better that, the man ran into the Bush through this path.
It indicates that a man not confident is dead on arrival

Great men never takes 'No' for an answer. Once again, let me quote Napoloen Hill; 'whatever the Mind conceives and believes, it can achieve'.
If your mind is small, your ideas will be smaller and your results will be smallest.

2.Frame your Mind
Oral Roberts, founder of Oral Roberts University in USA did what many termed not possible. He founded a full fledged Christian University Complex. On his table, he has a plaque that reads; "This place is not for small minds". The Power to win is impregnated, conceived, birthed and serviced in the mind. Battles are fought and won in the mind

You must begin to see the possibilities around you. You must create the bigger picture of you achieving your dreams, aspirations and goals. Your Potentials and Passion must first move you to smile before it comes to life. You are exactly a replica of your thoughts pattern.
Scriptures declares in Prov. 23 vs 7 that; "As a man thinketh in his heart, so he is" If your potentials and Passion must become realistic, you must think it out. It should not be an accidental thing, it must happen deliberately and such push must come from your mind

3.Start now
The challenge with our generation is that we keep dreaming, wishing and hoping, only a fragment of us actually begin. Robert Schuller said; 'Beginning is half done'. What you do not start do not grow. Read up that in Job 8 : 7. Until you start, you have not began, until you begin, you are only wishing. The difference between winners and loosers is that winners starts something that loosers only sit to wait for. Things may come to those who wait, but only things left behind by those who hustle' - Dr. Abraham Lincoln.

The greatest achievement is to start. *start
Well, I like you to be careful and mindful, but there can never be a bad start. Only sitters and watchers are bad. No matter how bad it may be, do your best to start

Design your brand logo. Tell someone sitting by you to START. You must start something

4.Money is not a problem.
Although money answers all things, all things do not answer to Money. Hahahahahahaha , Money has not been a problem and would never be. Like the popular slang; 'You know say money nor be problem' yes I agree this time. But not with that way those ugly boys are singing about it. But sincerely, it is not
Start to develop yourself, It will be nice be be singing in your church choir and have the potentials of  Ron Kenoly and passion of Kirk Franklin. Until you start, you are a nobody . Start to write the book. Give that your conglomerate a name, print business/complimentary cards

Most of us sit idle waiting for money to come. We may never achieve anything meaningful. You do not have a money problem, you only have an idea problem. - Robert Schuller. Money flows in the direction of ideas. The least of your capitals should be money. You can start from where you are. The least of your capitals should be money. You can start from where you are. From ages, money has been a form of exchange. Trade by barter. When fish was used to exchange clothes, both where monies from both ends. Today, money is an exchange for a working idea. To every big dream, there is the small way to start even without money. The formation of peanuts resulted from someone eating groundnuts and honey. It tasted well and thought of the impact. Today we have peanuts selling all over the world.

5.Don't be afraid to Fail
Failure does not mean you have failed, failure is this system did not work, you may have to try another.
Fear kills faster than death
So many of our ideas have been killed and strangulated by fear. *failure is; this system did not work..... It's nothing against you to fall. But to lie down there that's a disgrace. - Edmund Vance Cooke. I hope you read your Bible? I do alot. There is nothing on Earth that is not inside.
I Love John 12 vs 24 very well. Here is what it states; ... Except a corn of wheat FALLS to the ground, it abides alone? But when it falls, it brings forth much fruit. Emily spoke about Thomas Edison. He is our hope that failing at a thing does not mean you have failed totally.
Thomas Edison tried his electrical experiment to make a practical filament for light 10,000 times, before he got it right the 10,001 time.

Abraham Lincoln failed all his 15 elections until contesting for the office of the President of America which he won. Winston Churchill was given a note to his parents while he is in school. The teacher wrote that 'he was uneducatable'. Winston later grew to become the Prime Minister of Great Britain. You don't drown when you fall inside the water, you drown when your hands are down.

6.Set your goals
A life without a goal is a gamble. In life, you won't go far unless you know the goal posts.
Renowned Nigeria Footballer, Jay Jay Okocha in an interview with BBC was asked what he does first when he enters the field, he answered; "I first check up the goal posts and aim at them". No man really achieves anything by chance. More men die for lack of goal than for lack of gold. You are where you are today because of the goals you set yesterday, consciously or unconsciously. Where you will be tomorrow depends on the goals you are setting for yourself now
I have 5 more minutes. Please

What is a goal?
A goal is a profound message of who you are and what you are capable of.
The achievement of every goal is an exemplary tale of purpose, power and Potential.
Your goal must gratify your passion and beg for your attention. Your goals must be S. M. A. R. T.
Specific, Measurable/Motivational, Achievable, Relevant and Time Driven. Every great achiever must have a long term goal, a mid term goal and a short term goal and has the perimeters for measuring it's success outlined. So what is your Action Point; list out your goals for the next 5 years, 2 years, this year and next one month.
Let me round up with this;

7.Restructure your environment
The Golden rule of achievement States that; you will never go farther than your companion.  For a drug to function effectively the manufacture indicates it's specified best environment to the users. It means therefore that when these instructions are ignored, the drug may not be effective. You must thrive to build a network of achievers around you. If you must take action with your potentials and passion, you must get close only to those who are successful in their pursuit. Your network will definitely define your net worth.
I hope you understand that. Please I beg of you, get a mentor too. Sir Isaac Newton said; I have seen further.. It is by climbing on the shoulders of giants. Until you are mentored by the right person you may never be in the right place. Robert Kiyosaki in his book, rich dad poor dad, made it emphatically clear why you must have a mentor.
In summary, let me let you know that; some of the greatest accomplishments in this world was done against impossible odds, just because someone had a dream and never gave up. It is a crime to pass through this world unnoticed. Place your right hand on your chest and say with me; I am a voice no one can ignore, I will make maximum impact in this world and will be a blessing to my generation Thank you. That is my time.

Stop singing standing on the promises of God; while you are sitting in the premises. Get up and GO HAPPEN.
King Joel Agho

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