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1st lecture
By Miss Emily Osobase

Good evening everyone; trust you had a great day. We have all been anticipating this evening; it is my prayers that after this teachings; lives be transformed in Jesus name. Amen!
Tonight we will be discussing a

How you perceive yourself automatically controls every moment of your existence. The world makes room for the man of purpose. His words; actions and lifestyle demonstrate he knows where he is headed. You were built to conquer situations; solve problems; be an answer to someone's question etc.
But Many people are not moving forward today because they have not found their place in life; nor have they discover their purpose for existence neither do they have an idea what their passion is. Myles muroe said when the purpose of something is not known; abuse is inevitable. If you as a person do not know there is more to your life than you are living; that there are potentials imbedded inside you; you are bound to abuse it. thereby living a meaningless and uninteresting life characterised by many failures and frustration.
Many of us spend our lives; looking for a purpose or some reason for being here. Why most of us are so busy with our day jobs and other responsibilities that we never really get to figure out what that purpose/( and that potential) is or what you want to be known for.
I am known for a few things – baking, travelling, being a good listener; writing and providing inspiration. The last three is actualIy my main thing. My little bro calls me bomb. He says to anyone who cares to listen; take a chair and seat because she is about to give you an earful that will bomb your senses and your mind to not repeat a stupid behaviour or to be the very best of you depending on the situation. Lol I am a motivational speaker; a writer oh and a big sister. I usually have a lot to say when it warrant. I am known for that. I am also known as someone who really listens to people and provides inspiration to help them believe they can achieve whatever it is they’re aspiring to; (depending on their aspirations) and the courage to be their authentic self and live their best life.
You might ask What is passion and what is my potential/purpose? How do I discover it? Come with me.
Passion is an intense emotion or feeling; enthusiasm and desire for something. It makes you come alive.

√: PASSION: To know your passion; you have to know what makes you come/feel alive. Have you ever find yourself struggling to go through a job everyday and yet no fulfilment?
Do you find yourself bored getting through a task because it doesn't challenge or motivate you? Have you ever found yourself thinking " this is just not me; I hate this; am not happy here" etc. you might be interested in a job. But if you don't have passion for it; it becomes just a chore. Boring and unfulfilling.
You have to find out that thing that makes you come alive. That  task that gives you extra energy that even when you are tired you still find yourself going. That is passion.
Discover what your passion is get it on paper! Study it and don't let it go to waste. Understanding your passion is crucial to living your best life

√: PURPOSE/POTENTIAL/GIFT: don't get confused it is same and will be used interchangeably.
Your purpose is tied to your passion;
There is a difference between potential/purpose and passion; though they go hand in hand. Potential/Purpose is innate/inbuilt. You can explain passion but you can't really explain potentials. Potentials was born with you.
Passion is selfish; you do it for you. But potential/purpose is selfless. It was given to you to make impact. It is beneficial to manking . For example you have a passion for singing. Even when you are tired you still sing and it makes "you" happy. But the day you climb a stage and you lead the whole church in worship; and people are running to the altar to give their life to Christ; watch it;That might just be your purpose for existence. To draw souls back to God.

purpose is tied to your passion; You are on d street and you see children begging; and your heart breaks and a small voice whispers "o lord help me; I want to help children off the street" that is tied to your purpose. That thought is the reason why you are here. Potential/purpose is the"WHY" of your existence. What ever your purpose/potential is; discover it as that's when you start living.   A manufacturer always have a reason for the product he manufacture. It is to meet a need or solve a problem. People pay to get such product; Same as you. God is your manufacturer and He created you on purpose for a purpose. If your purpose wasn't needed or important you wouldn't have been Here. An assignment was given to you that no one else can fulfill as well as you. Your purpose; gift; talent etc is a gift from your manufacturer (God); what you do with it here on earth is your gift back to the Him

1: Discover what you are passionate and purpose thriven about. Is it singing? Preaching/teaching? Acting? Building? Researching?Healing? Defending and helping the poor and defenseless? Whatever your passion or purpose is; find it and fulfill it. Whatever your purpose /dream/passion/potentials is/are; know that it can change your life and that of mankind.go after it. The graveyard is the richest place on earth because it is filled with books that were never written; songs that were never sung; inventions and cures not discovered because someone was afraid to take the first step towards living a life of purpose and fulfilling their dreams. Will you add to the wealth of the graveyard by following the same path? If NO; discover your purpose; passion; turn it to a product beneficial to mankind and live life to the full. Frank Edwards; sinach; etc we are enjoying their songs today because they discovered their purpose; combined with their passion.And it is selling. For people to be interested in buying your product; you have to be selling.
A research on Linda ikeji shows she is graduate of English language from the university of lagos. But she isn't working as a lecturer or English teacher somewhere; No she works on her laptop.

She is a blogger and started blogging in 2006. She tried many businesses without success but one payed off. "Blogging". She was passionate about writing; and she focuses on that. You need breaking stories and news; go to Linda ikeji's blog. Contrary to people's opinion her success didn't just happened by chance neither was it gifted to her. She said she use to borrow money to buy airtime just to blog in a cafe. Am sure she was ridicule at a point that she was on a wild goose chase etc but she never allowed people's opinion be final. Listen never allow people's opinion of you be your reality. there is only one you. so fearlessly; and unapologically be you. Discover what you are passionate about and turn it to a product. Stop singing standing on the promises; why you are sitting in the premises doing nothing.God gave you so much abilities; find it out and allow him rest. Linda's passion for writting payed of and still paying. She is not just an ordinary blogger; but a billionaire blogger. Brands want to be associated with her. She turned her passion to a product. Now ask yourself; what do I have in me that I can sell? What do I have inside me that can make an impact in my generation? What am I capable of that my generation needs? Listen the reason you are still alive is that you are carrying something that this generation desperately need. That thing is wrapped up inside you. Until you discover and start unwrapping it; your presence here on earth is mere existence.

There is more in you than you are living out; if you can discover it, you will be unwilling to settle for less. There are many who turned there passion and purpose to a product; mack zuckerberg (Facebook founder) Steve Jobs; Les brown etc you too can make that list.

Put your discovery on paper; study it daily and don't let it go to waste. For your purpose to became a product; passion needs push it out. Seek that particular mental attribute that makes you come alive; along with that silent small voice in your mind saying this is the real me. When you find it; put it on paper; work on it, it may not manifest that same day or period ; (e.g you can’t just discover you are good at singing and the next day you want to make an album? Oh no! You work on it and on yourself.)but with time it will speak and it will not lie because the evidence will be too massive to be ignored. When your product is good; people will pay to get it. ----> turning passion/purpose to product!

2: after discovering; PUT IT DOWN ON PAPER AND WORK ON IT: (habakuk 2:2-3) It is not enough to discover it you must work and continually practice. Practice they say makes perfect. If the above celebrities only discover and not work on their skills; talent etc am not sure we would have heard about them

3: Branding: brand your product. If people has always done things same way; package yours differently. The difference between Mr Biggs and "mama put" is packaging. Brand your product. If you love cooking and you want to run a local restaurant ( mama put) discover what you can do different to make yours stand out. If others are selling a plate of rice 200; add a difference to yours by adding a little side dish. Or add an apple for free to your plate of rice. If it is fashion add a free hair band to yours; it may be small but they will come back again.

I don't serve a dead God I serve a mighty God.... Shout fireeeeee and your mind goes straight to omega fire ministries. I am an omega child; my blood is bitter; you can trace that to omega fire ministry. And yes it is our brand; I am an omega child. What am I trying to say; make your own brand let something set you apart from the rest. Be different.

4: YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD:    Matthew 6:33 NIV. But seek ye first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well. This is your primary purpose to seek him first. FIRST! Isaiah 43:21 says this people have I formed that they show forth my praise.  Then proverb 16:3 says commit to the lord whatsoever you do and he will establish your plans. In all your discovery God should be your number one. When you seek him first; and commit your plans; purpose; passions; etc into his hands. He establishes your path and make you succeed. You need him; because without him; you are nothing and can do nothing. He should be your first and last bustop. He is your manufacturer and only him have the manual and blue print for your life. It is He who also gives power to create wealth. You can't fully function at your best without him.
I will round up with this; if you want your purpose/passion to sell; make an impact and become successful; you have to be real hungry for success. Let no one talk you out of your dreams and let no ones opinion of you become your reality. If Thomas Edison had listen to his friend's reason to give up after many failures; I don't know if we do know about electric bulb. Maybe someone else could have; but it won't be Thomas Edison. Failure doesn't mean give up; it is just saying TRY AGAIN this time with a different method/approach. The best revenge you can give someone who doesn't believe in you; is MASSIVE SUCCESS. Evidence they say is the end of controversies. You can turn your gift; purpose; potentials; passion to product because only you can get you where you want to go, no one else. God bless you.

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